[TenTec] Contest logging
Scott Johnson
Fri, 25 Oct 2002 18:30:06 -0400
I wondered what the heck CWSS was, so I did a web search.
Could be the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat, or the Civil War Soldiers and
Sailors system, or maybe even the California Weed Science Society. Canada
Worldwide Student Services? Community Water Supply and Sanitation? Oh, it
couldn't be the Chicago Women's School of Sociology...or Scotland's Cycling,
Walking, and Safer Streets program either. Hey, here are lots of messages
from hams talking about it ... but none of them spell it out. Not even the
fine litigators at the law firm of Culbertson, Weiss, Schetroma and Schug,
not even when I tortured them with the Cabin Water Spray System.
OK, now you can't say I didn't try to find out for myself. WHAT'S CWSS? :)
Scott Johnson (scott@wowpage.com) (s.johnson@klotzdigital.com)
ICQ: 30730876 ICBM: N33 45 50.6 W84 49 31.3 (+- 3dB)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tentec-admin@contesting.com [mailto:tentec-admin@contesting.com]On
> Behalf Of Vincent A. Santis
> Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 5:52 PM
> To: QRP List (E-mail)
> Cc: Tentec (E-mail)
> Subject: [TenTec] Contest logging
> HI,
> I'm thinking of giving CWSS a try next weekend. Is there any
> freeware or shareware logging programs out there I might take a look at?
> Thanks,
> Vince Santis,N1VS
> Winsted, CT
> NEQRP # 598
> PRP-L # 2372
> FISTS# 8053
> CC # 1161
> K1 #841
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