[TenTec] argonaut V hidden talent not good
Sat, 26 Oct 2002 11:58:04 -0400
Hmmmm..........? is right. I listen to 30m on my Argonaut V
almost every evening here in NW Pa and have not heard what you
are hearing. I realize propagation and antenna pattern could be
different but so far no funny stuff happening here.
Your observation is even more puzzling in that the front end of
the Argonaut V and the Jupiter are almost identical up through
the roofing filter. And since anything outside the bandwidth of
the roofing filter never gets it to the following IF stages, any
differences in the IF stages should not cause the kind of
problem you are seeing.
If front end distortion products were the problem, inserting the
attenuator should make a very significant difference. As I
recall, 20 db of attenuation should reduce third order products
60 db and fifth order products 100 db or thereabouts.
Somebody jump in here if I'm not remembering this correctly.
Since the attenuator follows the transmit low pass filters [one
of the differences between the Argonaut and the Jupiter] there
could be a problem in the transmit filter for 30 meters, or there
could be a problem external to the radio.
I will listen more carefully today and tonite around 10.120 to see
if I can find any trace of what you are hearing.
Please keep us posted Mike on what you find.
>From my still limited experience, the Argonaut is a nice rig. I
believe it has a little more IF gain than the Jupiter and Pegasus
and therefore is not quite as quiet. On the other hand, anything
I can hear on one of the rigs, I can hear on the other two. I like
quiet and some dynamic range in the signals so I run the
attenuator most of the time on the Argonaut. I only turn it off
on 12 and 10 meters.
I do miss the RF gain control though. That is usually my most
used control on other rigs.
On 25 Oct 2002 at 21:45, mike bryce wrote:
> I like 30 meters cw and I like to shortwave listen. but not at the
> same time.
> on 10.120 +/- I can hear all kinds of shortwave broadcasts, all at the
> same time, with a sprinkle of CW from 30 meters thrown in for good
> measure.
> can't hear the shortwave stations on the jupiter on the same antenna
> on the same frequency in a A/B comparison
> atten helps some but does not take out the broadcast completely.
> yup! made sure the noise blanker was off... those things can cause all
> kinds of critters to appear.
> hummm....
> Mike Bryce WB8VGE
> SunLight Energy Systems
> http://www.seslogic.com
> http://www.theheathkitshop.com
> "Electricity at the speed of light"
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