[TenTec] Receivability
Caitlyn Martin
Mon, 28 Oct 2002 15:43:16 -0500
Hi, George,
> I have found that being able to either bodily move the passband, as in
> IF Shift, or being able to independently place each slope of the
> passband, as I can with the PRO, to be much more effective than just
> narrowing the filter.
While I agree that PBT and/or IF Shift are extremely valuable, on SSB
especially I find the bandwidth to be critical.
> You might want to look into a *good* audio DSP filter to use with your
> 817.
Actually, I no longer have the FT-817. I much prefer the Tokyo Hy-Power
HT-750 for portable operation for a number of reasons. Yes, it's only
three bands, but a true handheld, albeit a big one, suits me much
better. For people considering the FT-817 you should count on the after
market W4RT dual filter option as a necessity. Of course, it adds $300
to the cost of the rig, but it's worth it to have the better Collins
filter on SSB as well as a good CW filter.
> I have the JPS NIR-12 and it is superb for CW as well as NR and all
> the other fancy stuff. Not made anymore, but if you can find a used
> one, it is worth its weight in gold.
Agreed. The JPS NIR-12 is brilliant, and I do recommend it for any
older (pre-DSP) rig. It was made right here in North Carolina, too, for
the purists who want an all American-made shack.