[TenTec] QA - Filters:

John (N3QT) murphman@erols.com
Mon, 28 Oct 2002 21:49:42 -0500

Hello Fellow TEN TEC'ers:

All Hail the Corsair I!!!  Hail!!!

MY question is related to IF passband filters.  Would someone care to elaborate 
on the goodness and/or the evils of ceramic, crystal, and collins mechanical?

I am curious.  I am not a Materials Engineer.  I had a part time job while in 
school making monolithic, miniature capacitors. I gained some understanding of 
that manufacturing process. I basically played with tubs of liquid and extreme 
current ...nickel plating.  It'll curl your hair.  ...bzzt.

I could do a GOOGLE search.  However,  I am interested from the aspect of HAM 
operation as well. I am interested in the comparison, perhaps there is a more 
suited application for a specific type, and just your home grown opinion as to 
what you like.

TKS in Advance ES 73, John DE N3QT