[TenTec] TT net on 7.288

Bill Fulling Bill Fulling" <w4njf@email.midflorida.com
Mon, 28 Oct 2002 08:30:37 -0500

Hello Jerry,
Wanted to check into the net last nite but a strong SWBC station on =
7.290 is wiping you out.This station (Havana?) starts its interval sig =
at 2355 UTC and signs on at 0000 UTC.While I can copy ur station 10/15 =
over,the splatter smothers the weaker sigs.B/W of 1800 Hz and PBT of =
-350/400 helps somewhat.While I realize clear freqs on 40 at nite are at =
a premium,maybe  the net should try to find a better one not so close to =
a SWBC station.
73 de Bill W4NJF

Bill Fulling

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