[TenTec] For Sale - Long List
Sat, 07 Sep 2002 15:57:20 -0400
Updated List & Reduced Prices
Major Shack Clearance Sale ***(see notes below)
Tower- Heights Aluminum Freestanding 38' currently on the ground, good
condition. Pick up only, or will deliver in Akron, OH area -- $185
Beam- Butternut HB-5B "Butterfly Beam"-Light weight, covers 20,17,15 &
10 Meters mine also worked on 6 M. See URL for
more inormation
http://www.texastowers.com/hf5b.htm. Used, assembled and on ground. Pick
up only Akron, OH-- $165 or trade for Gap Voyageur Vertical
Vertical- Butternut HV-6-V - covers 80, 40, 30, 20,15 & 10 Meters -
Used, in good condition, partially dissasembed (re-assemble in 10
minutes) -- Pick up only Akron, OH-- $175
Bird 43 Wattmeter and one plug-in element, mint-- $300
Ten-Tec - Delta 580 - works fine, cosmetically 8 out of 10 includes
Clegg hand mic - $350 Price Reduced to $325
Ten-Tec - Argosy Model 525 (Analog) and matching power supply Model 225
works fine, cosmetically 8 out of 10 - $295
Ten-Tec - Argonaut 509- works fine, cosmetically 8.5 out of 10 - $245
Ten-Tec - 405 Amplifier (matches Argonaut, but will work with any QRP
rig) $145
Ten-Tec - 80 Meter QRP CW Transceiver Model 1380 - $85
Ten-Tec - 9-Band SW Receiver Model 1253 - $50
Yaesu- FT-817 QRP Portable All Mode 160 to 6 plus 2 & 440- excellent
condition with rechargable batteries $560
CW Filter for Yaesu FT-817 $100
Ten-Tec - 405 Amplifier (matches Argonaut, but will work fine with
FT-817) $145
Yaesu- FT-230 Mobile 2 Meter FM $95
Yaesu- FT-470 Dual Band HT - $150
Yaesu- FT-33 220 HT - $110
LDG AT-11 Automatic Antenna Tuner $90
LDG Z-11 QRP Automatic Antenna Tuner (latching relays) $135
LDG QRP Automatic Antenna Tuner (non-latching relays) $105
Kenwood- Computer Interfacing cable for TS-450 or TS-690 above by LCU-3
replaces FIF-232 - $40
Kenwood- Mobile Mounting Bracket for TS-450 or TS-690 - $30
MFJ- QRP CW Transceiver Model 9015 - $95
MFJ- QRP CW Transceiver Model 9020 - $95
MFJ- QRP CW Transceiver Model 9040 - $95
MFJ- Keyer - Model 492 Memory Keyer - Mint in the box $85
Heath- Twin Bander HW24- 2M/440 Mobile & mic - $120
Radio Shack- HTX-10 10 Meter SSB/FM - mobile mount & mic - mint in box- $110
Alinco- FM 2 Meter Mobile Model 110 - $120
Alinco- FM 2 Meter Mobile Model 110 - $120
KDK- FM 2 Meter Mobile Model FM-240 $85
***All items are in good working condition.
Payment with money order or pay-pal
Shipping paid by buyer
Photos for many items at http://www.qsl.net/k8zt/pics.html
Prices on some items are negotiable, Discounted "Package Deals" considered.
Trades (or partial trades) will be considered on some items (no boat
anchors, tube equipment or test equipment)
e-mail me for more information
Anthony A. Luscre
Stow, Ohio
Visit My Website at