[TenTec] Using AM transmit with the Jupiter

Michael A. Newell, WB4HUC mnewell1@austin.rr.com
Sun, 29 Sep 2002 12:33:06 -0500

According to the AMNOTES.TXT file,
if I put the radio in AM mode and press
the TUNE button the AM-AUTO-SET
mode will turn on the transmitter and
adjust the AM-DRIVE control for a 25-
watt carrier then the radio will return
to receive mode.

The notes say that this process will
take several seconds.

How long is "several seconds"? I put
the radio in TUNE mode and it stayed
in tune mode for a full minute before I
turned off the TUNE function manually.

I'm using Version 1.23 of the firmware.

Has anyone else successfully used this
auto tune mode for AM?


Mike - WB4HUC

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