[TenTec] The Hamfest
Gary Hoffman
Gary Hoffman" <ghoffman@spacetech.com
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 17:49:10 -0400
Hi Jim,
No, it wasn't classified. Of course, not all secrets were revealed either !
However, the major design information was all given. IMHO, the design
is far superior to anything I have seen or heard of. There are very very
solid RF/IF sections in the front end, done in the best hardware design
around. THEN you go to the DSP section. So the radio isn't by any means
an empty box filled with software. Its solid. And of course, once you do
into the DSP processors, then its just wild.
73 de Gary, AA2IZ
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Reid" <jimr.reid@verizon.net>
To: "Gary Hoffman" <ghoffman@spacetech.com>; "tentec"
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] The Hamfest
> > The presentation on the Orion was very
> > well done and most informative. Thanks Doug !
> Was it classified "Confidential"? Have seen nothing about
> this presentation until this note. Were those who heard it
> sworn to secrecy?
> Wish I could have been there; but just too far, hi.
> 73, Jim KH7M