[TenTec] Fw: Orion

Jim Reid jimr.reid at verizon.net
Thu Apr 3 18:29:03 EST 2003

Rog has written,  in part:

>  Many use the relay or transistor switched output and it does 
> work, but better have a spare vacuum relay on
> hand as they take a beating using that technique.
> Being in this hobby >42 years now,..........

Well,  I do not have a Ten Tec amplifier.  However,  have used
both Alpha and Henry amps with my (former, now sold) Omni VI+
and present Corsair II (won't have an Orion for a month or so),
my Ameritron QSK-5 is doing just peachy with CW QSK.  The
QSK-5 holds both the input and output relays of the linear ON
all the time!  All of the QSK switching is done via PIN diodes.
And,  if you do not exceed about 2500 watts PEP out,  no problems.

Also would work fine on RTTY.  However,  I do not care for the
"keyboard" modes,  hi.  And, yes, been licensed since way back
in 1950.  No longer care what DX I operate;  lost interest in 
counting that long ago,  hi.  Have a lot of fun now fiddling with
antennas and what can be heard from out here near mid-Pacific
where it is a LONG way to anywhere else!  Ever notice how the
reporters only talk about VK and ZL when commenting about

Just a few more weeks,  and TT will begin shipping Orions from
the  2nd production lot;  that is where my order is placed!

73,  Jim  KH7M

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