[TenTec] limited Orion reviews?

Jim Reid jimr.reid at verizon.net
Fri Apr 18 12:48:27 EDT 2003

Tim wrote:

> Hi folks -
> Is it my imagination or is the response to the Orion rather 
> subdued? Has anyone set there's down next to a 756 Pro II 
> for A/B comp? I'd love to know any impressions about the 
> two rigs compared.

If propagation over on the US mainland is anything as it is
out here near mid-Pacific,  there are few signals to work,
or compare anything with!

Pretty hard to get excited about any rig with the K index bouncing
around from 3 to 5,  as it has the last 20 hours or so,  and for
days before;  and the solar flux is around 100!

All day yesterday I was monitoring the various No. Cal. DX
beacons about the globe.  From 6:30 AM and for the next 12 hours,
there were only very weak signals from the Pacific rim beacons:
Calif., ZL,  VR, and JA,;  and an occasional peep from LU.

Often the Hong Kong and New Zealand beacons were a bit louder
that the one from California.  JA was weak,  and not often heard.

Don't have an Orion out here yet,  but if I did I would be sitting
here very disappointed, not in the rig,  but with the lack of

Bet it is about the same on the mainland,  hi.

Oh well..........

73,  Jim  KH7M

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