[TenTec] Ten Tec 555 Scout power out MOD
ARDUJENSKI at aol.com
ARDUJENSKI at aol.com
Fri Apr 25 02:39:00 EDT 2003
is there a mod where a switch can be added to the back panel to set output
power to 5W--10W--full or 50W. This would allow easy switching for QRP CW,
QRP SSB, and FULL OUTPUT POWER......ThanksPlease note that I am not really
interested in bypassing the final amp and making it a 556 Argo
BTW I found this note. has anyone done this mod?????
From: <A HREF="mailto:DAVEAF5U at aol.com%3FSubject=Re:%20SCOUT%20Front%20Panel%20RF%20Power%20Control%26In-Reply-To=%3C950907125439_93488515 at mail02.mail.aol.com%3E">DAVEAF5U at aol.com</A>
Date: Thu Sep 07 1995 - 12:54:39 EDT
I think that Ten Tec makes about the best rigs made. The Scout is no
exception. But, if you own a Scout, how would you like to have front RF
power control from 3 watts to 50 watts? The modification envolves using the
microphone control for RF power.
I have done the mod on my Scout (serial number 07A10523) and it was easy
if you can solder and desolder printed circuit boards. Both controls use 10k
ohms pots. So basically, all you have to do is to remove the PCB mounted RF
power pot and solder three wires going to the microphone control pot. The
microphone level is modified to become a fixed level. In other words, if you
run SSB, connect a mic and there is no adjustment needed for microphone
level. If you run CW, remove the mic and connect your key or paddle - the
microphone control on the front panel is your RF power adjustment.
I am willing to send about 10 Scout owners complete instructions on how to
do this mod. (with drawings), the parts needed (free), and a list of hand
tools needed. All I want is your comments and suggestions after you have
performed the mod. that I can use for the Quarterly.
Send me your Scout's serial number and your name, call, and address. You
will receive what I have promised within two weeks or less.
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