[TenTec] Orion T?R Question, prt 2

Jim Reid jimr.reid at verizon.net
Tue Apr 29 16:26:19 EDT 2003

Tom wrote:

> Jim, The Orion has an adjustment on External T/R delay for each non
> amplifier controlled. The time delay is adjustable. Look at the TX
Menu and
> you will see the two adjustments. No problem here. I am using an Alpha
> and its PIN diodes take care of any problem. Very fast combination -
> Orion/Alpha 87A.

But,  but,  but..... that is not the end of the transmit cycle of
concern in my situation.  It is the beginning.  With key down,
presumably,  instantly,  the Orion sends the relay signal to
the external non-QSK amplifier.  After that time,  while the
relays over there are settling down and finishing their bouncing
about for 12 milliseconds or so,  when does the Orion begin
to ramp up the power at the leading edge of a dit or dah???

It better be something over 12 milliseconds, else my linear
relays are going to get "hot switched"  as the relay
contact bouncing settles down.....that's the onset of
transmit problem.

Oh,  and on the completion end,  where the T/R Delay to which
you refer applies,  the delay is given as a percentage,  default
seems to be 20%..............percent of what????  A dit,  some
number of milliseconds?

Again,  it is not stated,  but if Ten Tec means the External
T/R delay applies also as a delay of RF output from the Orion
at the beginning of key closure,  as well as at the end at key
up,  then we still ought to be told of how many milliseconds is
that delay......or in their case,  that of which the percentage
number refers.

A percentage spec is sort of non-meaningful,  unless we know
of what is the percentage,  hi.

Thanks for any other insight you might have,

73,  Jim  KH7M

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