[TenTec] Antenna Splitter

Eric F. Richards efricha at dimensional.com
Wed Aug 6 14:24:22 EDT 2003

At 01:52 PM 8/6/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>What you need is a switch, so that the impedance of each radio is not
>disturbed by the connection to the antenna and another radio.
>A splitter would decrease the signal level to each radio and cause the need
>for a correction factor on minimal detectable signal.

Both the mini-circuits and stridsberg splitters (which are made with
mini-circuits component splitters) provide over 20dB isolation between
the radios and just over 3dB loss of signal.

I know from where I speak -- I use stridsberg splitters, mini-circuits
splitter boxes and mini-circuits component splitters.  The breakdown is
as follows:

1 mini-circuits microwave splitter
1 stridsberg 4-way V/UHF splitter
2 stridsberg 2-way V/UHF splitters
2 stridsberg 4-way HF splitters
2 stridsberg 2-way HF splitters
1 mini-circuits HF splitter transformer in a phasing box I built.

>Since band fading follows a 20 minute pattern on average, you should be able
>to do short term switching by hand and compare signals received
>independently on an antenna.
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Eric F. Richards
efricha at dimensional.com
"The weird part is that I can feel productive even when I'm doomed."

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