[TenTec] Omni C on 17m

Terry O'Neill cpa2000 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 17 11:46:37 EDT 2003

>Yes, the Omni C will run 17 meters once the crystals are installed. 
>They  did not come standard with the crystals and those run about $25 each.
>  73,
>Stan Brock, WD0BGS
>Amateur Radio Sales

Give Stan the benefit of the doubt.... after all, this rig
predates his service at TT and he is, after all, a SALESman.   (if he
had to keep up with all the engineers and repair guys
he would need extra pay!)

I don't believe Stan was giving his personal opinion, on the contrary I believe he was stating the official position of Ten-Tec, Inc.. 
I don't understand why Ten-Tec takes this position given the known 17m issues discussed by WA3JPG, K0CQ & others. 

Terry, W8EJO

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