[TenTec] Orion CW Sensitivity

Jim Reid jimr.reid at verizon.net
Sat Aug 23 16:13:48 EDT 2003


Just for a mark on the wall:  today at 1734 UTC,
I copied and exchanged reports with W0TUP in
Minot,  No. Dakota.  He was running 850 mW using
the Rock-Mite.  He has the little PCB mounted in
an Altoids Cinnamon spice can (maybe an inch by
two inches or so).  You can see his little rig and
QRP distance records at:


The distance between us was 3646 miles,  or, per
his figuring, that is 4289 miles per watt courtesy
of the amazing sensitivity of the Orion!

I sent him a 439 report.  

As I say,  just a mark on the wall,  but he was excited,
his greatest distance QRP so far.

73,  Jim  KH7M

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