[TenTec] lawyers

Bill Fulling w4njf at email.midflorida.com
Sun Aug 31 19:50:10 EDT 2003

Hi Jerry,
In case you are not aware of this well known fact,most people despise
lawyers.They are only around to sue doctors,nursing homes and HMOS.Ever try
to get a layer to defend you against a traffic ticket in court?After
"billable hours" are taken into account the person tickeded would be better
off  pleading  guilty and going to jail.Of couse the inept layer has two
other  courses to take;get elected as a judge or run for political
office.You can get disbarred,but Bill Clinton has shown thats no big deal.
If you are a lawyer,its not something I'd be bragging  about pubicly.
73 de Bill

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jerry Harley" <wa2tti at worldlynx.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2003 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] lawyers

> Please remove me from this.  You guy need to get a life.  This is a big
> waste of time.  C U Ten Tec Inc.  Jerry
> At 11:19 PM 30/08/2003 -0700, you wrote:
> >A guy making an apparently bad deal and its explained that the guy is a
> >lawyer and now there is a bunch of "lawyers are bad" comments.
> >
> >Nonsense.  Really.  I expect more of you guys.
> >
> >I happen to be a scientist, engineer and lawyer.  The "arguments" about
> >lawyers are not of any substance in the world that I inhabit.
> >
> >The story told does show a disregard for common courtesy and probably the
> >law.   No argument there.  But someone says he's a lawyer and that
> >the major issue?
> >
> >Though it may be fun for some, I suspect the comments are not helpful to
> >the guy who complained.
> >
> >Clark
> >
> >
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