[TenTec] RE: New Titan-3

Duane Budd w5ben at arrl.net
Mon Dec 1 18:43:58 EST 2003

I hope you have solved your problem already by talking to the Ten Tec tech
support people, but if you have not...

I do not have a Titan III, but I do have a QRO 2500DX, which has the same

NORMAL operation is to see just what you describe - an increase of plate
current and a decrease in screen current. Increasing drive will result in
more plate current and increase in screen current - THEN you can begin to
see changes with tuning and output. Continuing with increased drive and
re-adjustment of the tuning controls should get you up and running.

I hope you do not have a dead amp.

Good luck.

Duane Budd
w5ben at arrl.net

Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 09:40:48 -0600
From: "Roy Koeppe" <royanjoy at ncn.net>
To: "Ten Tec Reflector" <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Re: New Titan-3...
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"Opened box . Performed 10 meter mod and installed transformer.  Added
  Hooked up drive and low swr antenna.  On standby ant loads well.
operate.  Plate voltage 3000.  Applied drive. Grid current goes down??
current goes up.  Load and Tune no effect. No output.  Same setup with
Hercules 11. Works great.
I find it hard to believe that brand new TenTec amp defective so I must
doing something stupid. Any ideas?
TenTec on holiday."

Bill K4BYR

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