[TenTec] Re Orion on Elecraft's Receiver Summary Page

Jim Reid jimr.reid at verizon.net
Wed Dec 3 08:34:21 EST 2003

It was written:

> At 150-200ma receive current, and a transceiver that
> runs off batteries and fits in a backpack, the specs
> of that little K2 are only marginally second to that
> massive fire breathing Orion contest machine. If I was
> Elecraft, it would stay at the top of my list - hi. 
> http://www.elecraft.com/K2_perf.htm
> Maybe they should move Orion to the top of their list.

Looking at the Elecraft comparisons,  occurs to me that
the IMPORTANT numbers are superior with the Orion, in
particular look at the dramatically better phase noise number
for the Orion.

Also,  note that if the ARRL "forced" the 500 Hz roofing filter
into the chain,  rather than using just the DSP 500 Hz filter,
this would increase the gain of the "system" which lowers both
IP3 and IMD3.  

It is not clear whether the ARRL did this or not during the actual
tests;  however,  they do note that the noise level was increased,
probably because of this added gain when they did use the
500 Hz roofing filter.

>From what I am hearing,  both DX operators
and Contest users of the Orion prefer to leave the 1kHz
roofing filter in line when using the DSP filter for selectivity
in their pursuits.  If true,  then some of the added gain TT has put
in the chain when the 500 Hz roofing filter is used,  to
make up for the insertion loss could be added directly to both
numbers.  I understand that about 15 dB of gain is added when
either the 250 or 500 Hz roofers are selected,  and that the
insertion loss of each is different:  I believe the 250 Hz filter
is some 12 dB of loss and the 500 Hz about 10 dB;  some one
will know the exact numbers.  Anyway,  if the 500 Hz filter does
have only 10 dB of loss,  and TT adds 15 dB of gain,  the net
system gain is up'd by 5 dB -- this lowers both the IP3 and IMD3
ranges by the same number of dB,  5.  

If all of the above is near "fact", then when using the 1kHz or wider
roofing filters,  you can consider the IP3 and IMD3 numbers to be
5 dB better than the ARRL measured.  However,  again we do not
KNOW what the ARRL test techs did..... they just don't say in the
applicable text discussion,  nor as a footnote to the test data

Anyone used the K2 in the CQWW CW test and scored big as
Scott did with an Orion?  Anyone want to use a K2 in such a
real competitive effort with the tiny buttons and dials?

73,  Jim  KH7M

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