[TenTec] Re: Reply to W8keb (Long)

Curt Krelic k3ey at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 8 07:54:11 EST 2003

Personally, I would not have given that response the curiosity you provided. Stuck in the mud old die hard hams living by the letter to the law is fine. Believing CBers are evil non human entities not fit to live or cross their personal space because they hold no government license is arrogance. I hold four different government licenses and will never have that attitude.



KD7EFQ at aol.com wrote:Hello, I think you may want to research this company a little bit more. They do not appear to be the type of Clandestine company interested in marketing CB type amps. They also have I.S.M. products as well. And they have the only HF capable HT on the market. As for my placement in this hobby, I am doing just fine here, Thank You! Just because they don't pursue the U.S. Market as avidly as Yaecomwood, it doesn't mean they're not legitimate. Also, other countries have 11 meters as an amateur band, and any US amp can be modified for 11 meter use. Most illegal CB ops today use modified amateur equipment anyway. I guess some people can't understand the concept of the spirit of the law VS the letter of the law. I guess technically then, My Hercules II is illegal to use as it was originally purchased in the U.K. as an export model, and then was brought back into the U.S.A. I am not advocating illegal CB use! I hate that service. And I am not advocating Commercially
 selling this particular amp in the U.S. without type acceptance. But I see nothing wrong with someone ordering 1 of these for personal use only. Maybe Part 97 needs to be modified to include personal use only by a licensed Amateur. 73. 
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