[TenTec] Solid state amps
tongaloa at alltel.net
Tue Dec 9 11:40:18 EST 2003
what sort of pulse width are you able to get?
working on ionospheric sounder for the back yard :-)
Bill Fuqua wrote:
> Interesting item. By coincidence I am working on a power tube
> tester today. I built one some time ago to check 4CX250B tubes because
> we go thru a lot of them here. I built a pulse tester that basically
> applied a large negative cut off voltage to the grid and then switched
> it to zero for a few microseconds and measured the pulsed plate
> current. This worked just fine but if the tube arced over I had to
> replace the hard to find high voltage P channel MOSFETS. So, I have
> gone to a different grid pulsing technique that uses a more common N
> channel MOSFET and is transformer coupled to the control grid. It
> seems to work great even with positive grid pulses over 2 amps. Now I
> can use it to check high mu triodes as well. I have lots of RF power
> tubes at home and this way I can test them with out having to have an
> amplifier. Even though the plate current may be several amps the DC
> Plate supply only needs to be good for a milliamp. or so.
> I simply compare the results with the data sheets to see if the
> tube is near spec.. This seems to work with in 10 or 15 percent using
> a new tube.
> 73
> Bill wa4lav
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