w8kc at comcast.net w8kc at comcast.net
Thu Dec 11 15:29:59 EST 2003

This just warms my heart :-)  Is it little wonder why I haven't replaced the old girl yet?  

A friend who lives not too far from me has the 781 and as recently as LAST NIGHT invited me over to use a "real" station.  He also owns some primitive Collins equipment.  I'd like to see figures for some of those antiques.

73! =paul= W8KC

> Spacing         3k      5k      10k     15k     20k     30k  

> Corsair I - November 1984 - no synthesizers 
> DR               -      90      90      90      90      90
> Recip            -      98      98      98      98      98
> TX noise        95      95      95      95      95      95  

> IC781 - July 1990
> DR              52      57      76      92      97      -
> Recip           90      96     103     106     110     113
> TX noise        -       85      92      -       98      -

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