[TenTec] Paragon Spurs
Michael Tope
W4EF at dellroy.com
Tue Dec 16 01:50:22 EST 2003
Hi Bill,
I checked my Paragon tonight with the VFO set to 1813.00 KHz.
The high-level close-in spurs that I saw on the 7MHz spectrum
are gone with this setting, but I am still seeing low-level discrete
spurs which in this case are at approximately +/-12.4 KHz offset
from the carrier. These spurs are about 25dB above the thermal
noise floor of my FT-847 and R4C which is similar to the levels
that I saw for the low level spurs on the Paragon's 7 MHz spectrum
(e.g. about 80dB below the carrier). There were some other spurs
that showed up on the FT-847, but I couldn't find them on the R4C,
so I'll have to assume that they were generated inside the FT-847.
As before, the input signal level to both of the receivers was set to
~-30dBm (S9+40dB).
It's interesting that the spurs you are seeing from your neighbors
Paragon repeat every 10KHz. I wonder, do they fall off in level
as you move away from the carrier (e.g. are the +/-20 KHz, +/-30
KHz, ...... spurs the same strength or do they get weaker as "N"
goes up)? If these are synthesizer reference spurs, its quite
possible that there is a fix for this. It might be worth a call to TT
73 de Mike, W4EF......................................
P.S. You need to invite your neighbor over to play with the Orion.
Who knows maybe you'll get him hooked :):)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Tippett" <btippett at alum.mit.edu>
To: <W4EF at dellroy.com>; <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 3:25 AM
Subject: [TenTec] Paragon Spurs
> Hi Mike,
> Thanks for the checks. If it is easy to do, check
> again with a fundamental of 1813 and see if the spurs
> are 10 kHz at that frequency setting. If they change as
> a function of the synthesizer PLL setting, it could be
> that is why I hear them every 10.000 kHz on 160.
> 73, Bill W4ZV
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