[TenTec] Orion tuning rates - Further thoughts
Steve Baron - KB3MM
SteveBaron at StarLinX.com
Fri Dec 26 13:52:11 EST 2003
What freq is the synthesizer running at ?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Henderson" <bob at cytanet.com.cy>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2003 03:22
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Orion tuning rates - Further thoughts
> Carl
> The point is that my Orion is different to other radios and that's why I
> made my test and posted my comment. Maybe I didn't use the best words
> to convey what I found. My Orion has a steppy/warbly characteristic
> when I tune through carriers that I consider very unpleasant. I have
> the radio set for 10 Hz steps and the encoder rate set to Fast. If I
> set the step size to 1 Hz and the encoder rate to Slow the steppy/warbly
> characteristic is less noticeable but not entirely eradicated. Of
> course, even if it disappeared at this setting it would be of little use
> as tuning rate per revolution falls to 62.5 Hz and at that rate folks
> QRT before you can tune them in. :-)
> I set up an FT1000MP and a TS870 with step size 10 Hz and compared their
> behaviour. Neither of them exhibited the behaviour encountered in my
> Orion. I then increased the step size to 20 Hz on the MP and noticed
> that it continued to feel smooth when tuning through carriers. From
> this I have concluded that the annoyance I am experiencing with the
> Orion is not to do with step size but is something else in the behaviour
> of the synthesiser. I postulate currently that the problem is due to a
> long settling time in the Orion synthesiser compared to the other
> radios. The effect I notice on tuning appears to be that if I tune at a
> rate of several steps per second (30+ at a guess) then audibly the
> tuning adopts the steppy/warbly characteristic I don't like. It's as if
> the synth doesn't settle/lock on individual steps as I tune. Once I
> stop rotating the dial everything sounds fine of course.
> The behaviour I see in the Orion synth is not common to all synths, it
> is peculiar to my Orion. Whether that makes it an Orion design
> characteristic affecting others or means I have a faulty synth in mine I
> currently don't know. Either way, it is currently responsible for a
> huge detraction from the pleasure I am getting from this radio. :-(
> 73
> Bob, 5B4AGN, P3F
> Carl Moreschi wrote:
> >The Orion is no different with respect to tuning steps than any other
> >synthesized radio. If you tune with a 10 hertz step, you are going to
> >by 10 hertz. This is normal and all synthesized radios do it. 10 hertz
> >does not sound at all steppy to me.
> >
> >Carl Moreschi N4PY
> >Franklinton, NC
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: <Kc9cdt at aol.com>
> >To: <tentec at contesting.com>
> >Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2003 11:34 PM
> >Subject: Re: [TenTec] Orion tuning rates - Further thoughts
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>Bob,
> >>I agree with you, it should not do that 'Steppy tone thing' when tuning.
> >>You would think that would pretty obvious when they (TT) did the
> >>
> >>
> >I
> >
> >
> >>guess they thoght it was not something we would not object to?? My
> >>doesn't do it, and it's only a $1400 radio.
> >>
> >>Send your thoughts to ditsnbits, I will too! I hope they can fix it in
> >>
> >>
> >SW??
> >
> >
> >>Lee
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