Kc9cdt at aol.com Kc9cdt at aol.com
Fri Dec 26 10:27:24 EST 2003


Heck no, Just... lets be sure to communicate.
After all they very much do care, and it's our reponsibility to communicate 
to them, so they have input and a chance to fix things. It would not be right 
to just complain to everybody else.

I have heard through some private e-mails that some folks either don't know 
how or didn't think about getting info to TT about there question / issue.

WOW! just set here with ORION, worked 17 countries on 15 SSB. I really do 
believe I have passed the learning curve on most ORION functions... Especially 
the PROG AGC.  Now it's just use it , and enjoy!


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