[TenTec] Boosting contesting scores by cheating via aid ofcomputer

John Rippey w3uls at 3n.net
Sat Dec 27 08:34:26 EST 2003

Yes, Rick, so it seems from the photos that appear on contesting.com. 
But  . . .

I was privileged to sit next to K1SE at K4JA's QTH some time ago during a 
CW contest and I listened with a second set of headphones as he picked out 
of the noise signals I could barely hear and turned them into a legitimate 
QSO using his ears only. Then he'd use a paddle to confirm, even though he 
had a keyboard in front of him. What skill!

I loved it.

John, W3ULS

>Jason, what planet have you been living on?
>I'm only guessing but I doubt if any class in any major contest
>has been won by anyone NOT using a computer to send CW for at
>least 10 years now.

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