[TenTec] Re: K2/100, Orion review

Jason Buchanan jsb at digistar.com
Sat Dec 27 09:47:28 EST 2003

Marijan Miletic, S56A wrote:

> P3F> Some of you guys should be less defensive of Ten Tec.
> And less offensive against JA products!  If you would buy one of their
> radios for 3K5$ with all the teething problems Orion has, you would probably
> nuke them again...


If the world had more people like yourself who weren't afraid to make 
unpolitically correct comments we'd be in a much better spot.  But now 
we have to pander to the whining crying babies of the world.

Political correctness is the anti-christ.

73 Jason N1SU

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