[TenTec] My Public Opinion - not that you axed

Paul Valko w8kc at comcast.net
Tue Feb 4 13:51:57 EST 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: Robert & Linda McGraw K4TAX <RMcGraw at blomand.net>

<well intentioned comments regarding the Orion delays deleted>


With ALL due respect to you, cancel your order and get on with life. 
It's just a radio.  Albeit... the mother of all radios :-)

Save that angst for something worthwhile, like a cure for cancer.  
That's where I put mine :-) not to mention a little bit of my money.

I dunno... sometimes the urge to have the latest and greatest is just 
too overwhelming and it blocks our thinking - that may not be your 
case, but it sure jacks me around a lot!  I remember seeing the 
prototypes of the FT-100 (which I had to have) and the TS-2000 
(ZZzzzZZ) at Dayton a full YEAR before they were even FCC approved for 
sale.  It's not that uncommon in the ham world.

On the auto front, go to a Nisson dealer and ask about the convertable 
350Z.  Ditto for the convertable VW new beetle.  People have been 
waiting years for those products...

Ahhhhhh my chest is untightening.... OHHHhhhhhhmmmmmmmm....

73! =paul= W8KC

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