[TenTec] Public opinion

holladayfd holladayfd at multipro.com
Tue Feb 4 18:03:52 EST 2003

The first contact I had with Ten Tec was back in the early 60's when the
company I was working for at the time bought MANY hundred thousand dollars
worth of  injection molds for plastic parts.  Last year, I was in their
plant and there were many more people working on more such projects.  I
doubt that Ten Tec would worry too much if delivery of the Orion is held up
a few months.  They are NOT going bankrupt.  They may however, get a little
nauseated if Scott reads many of the comments here.
Frank, K4VMO
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Atkinson, K5UJ" <k5uj at hotmail.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:39 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Public opinion

> George W5YR writes:
> "Their amateur product line is now quite limited with no top-line
> radio, such as the Omni series, to bring in serious sales dollars.
> They have therefore suffered considerable reduction in cash flow for
> quite some time now. Add to that the impact of the development costs
> of the ORION. Every week that ORION shipments slip is one more week of
> salaries and other development cost added to the ORION and one more
> week of no income from ORION shipments. They are getting further and
> further "behind the power curve" so to speak. Clearly, TT is reluctant
> to focus on this thus they say little to their customer base. The real
> reasons are hardly flattering."
> With the Jupiter and the Argo V their product line is "quite limited?"  I
> wouldn't go that far.  They are back ordered on the Argo and shipping.
> is selling well too I believe.  I.e., cash is coming in.  There are sales
> from used gear, perhaps some factory store sales, and some money from the
> repair department.  There is also some revenue from other TT businesses.
> happen to know this little bit from visiting a few weeks ago but you'd
> George is a member of the board of directors with insider knowledge from
> way he's whaling away.  He makes it sound as if they are about to go
> bankrupt.  Come on George, relax.
> 73,
> Rob
> K5UJ
> k5uj at hotmail.com
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