[TenTec] Reply To?

KD5NWA KD5NWA at cbayona.com
Mon Feb 10 15:03:43 EST 2003

Some of you may not be able to figure out how to email the administrator, 
as a public service, I have provided a link to his address below;

mailto:jmlowman at ix.netcom.com

Just click to the link above and your email program should start up a 
message window addressed to the mail administrator.

At 02:50 PM 2/10/2003, you wrote:
>In a message dated 02/10/2003 10:10:33 Eastern Standard Time, n4lq at iglou.com
><< I asked him
>  to change it but so far no results. Perhaps a few emails to him would
>  help. This is really causing problems.  >>
>I agree about the problems.  Who is the administrator; I'll be glad to add my
>voice to yours in making this request.
>TenTec mailing list
>TenTec at contesting.com


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