[TenTec] Omni V Mic Current

Anthony Bowyer adb1x1 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 16 10:28:07 EST 2003

Thanks Paul. 
    I use a headset here too. The problem is, since I
use VOX rather than PTT, and therefore have the mic
connected at all times, if I want to use one of the
digital modes, I have to unplug the mic. So I added
another optoisolator in the interface so I could
switch a small relay at the mic to take it out of the
circuit. I tried to find out what was supplying the +4
volts,  but I could not find it on the schematics. I
figured it was the +8 volt regulator, but I wasn't
sure what resistor value might be in series. I've had
the wonderful experience of shorting a connection like
that on another transceiver (different manufacturer),
and found that surface mount inductors are not easy to
replace without the proper equipment! It would be
easier to fix in the Omni, but I'd rather not have to!
I may have to change the resistor unless I can find a
very sensitive SPDT 5v reed relay!!!!

Anthony, NT4X


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