[TenTec] TenTec/Vibroplex

Dave W7DPW w7dpw at attbi.com
Wed Feb 26 13:15:53 EST 2003

I echo Bill's comments. Mine arrived, S/N 58,  in the same manner as his and
I had to re-align it and tighten every screw.. No mis-shapen parts. I have
it connected to the OMNI 6+ keyer set to 30 wpm  and my older brown Bros.
paddle attached to my external keyer set to 18-20 wpm. I can change speeds
quickly just by using a different paddle..

Works great.

Dave W7DPW

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "WILLIAM MANSEY; WA2PVK" <res0wsci at verizon.net>
To: <wg6h at pacbell.net>; <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] TenTec/Vibroplex

> My Ten-Tec/Vibroplex paddles had no problem(s) other than mis-alignement
> associated loose hardware.  I think that this situation was caused during
> shipping due to the weight of the unit bouncing around.  It was well
> BUT repeated vibration and/or small movements could well explain.  I did
> notice any mis-matched lengths of any pins or screws.  I aligned,
> positioned, and properly tightened "everything" and the paddles feel and
> work great.  No second thoughts about purchasing it.  The ONLY problem I
> have with the paddles is that the Orion is missing!
>     73 to all,  Bill
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