[TenTec] Pegasus & CW ID timer delay hang

Paul Christensen, Esq. w9ac at arrl.net
Wed Feb 26 18:28:16 EST 2003

If I'm following you correctly, you should be able to adjust the relay
duration through either 1) the Ext-T/R time delay through the menu on the
computer, or 2) the VOX delay adjustment, also on the menu.

Paul, W9AC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wayne" <aa5jj1 at cox.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 17:54 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Pegasus & CW ID timer delay hang

I have a Pegasus and a Heathkit SB220 with a external keying relay and it
works fine but when I turn the auto CW ID timer on and am in SSB when it IDs
there is not any lag time so the external relay operates with every CW
character, is there anything I can do about this ?

73 Wayne AA5JJ

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