[TenTec] Re: Z11 AT and TenTec or N4PY Pegasus software, way to
activate AT externally !
n4py at qvssoftware.com
Fri Feb 28 09:20:54 EST 2003
The tuner power level is controllable witha separate power slider that has a
10 to 50 watt range. This power level is only used when the "Auto Tnr"
button is clicked. When normal transmit is done the TX slider power level
is used. You must be at Version 2.04 or later to get the external tuner
Carl Moreschi
----- Original Message -----
From: <w4chl at mindspring.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 9:04 AM
Subject: [TenTec] Re: Z11 AT and TenTec or N4PY Pegasus software, way to
activate AT externally !
> Tx to all for direct feedback and to the list. Carl N4PY's software is
> included with the rig, and will register with you Carl for updates, FB as
> already noted by so many here on the list.
> Yes, now I see in the N4PY doc the mod to a cable to the serial port for
> ext AT control. Will do, I see the Z11 is controllable as is the AT-11mp,
> tx to Carl N4PY and Mark N8ME.
> ? Since I am using a Z11, not an AT-11mp, is there a way to insure that
> the max power is set to 50W SSB, 25W CW or RTTY settings ? Though the
> tuner max is 60W/30W, prefer to stay under that. I've reviewed N4PY docs
> and the listserv back several months, with no insight here.
> The power control remote is going to take more thought. Here is our master
> plan for the Pegasus:
> http://rtpnet.org/parc/Station/IRB
> Cheers & 73s de Mark W4CHL
> Mark R. Smith w4chl at arrl.org
> Chapel Hill NC USA http://rtpnet.org/parc
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