[TenTec] Interface for Ten-Tec OMNI VI+
John Clifford
Fri, 3 Jan 2003 14:38:47 -0800
> Does one need a *special* cable is needed to hook up a laptop computer to
> an OMNI VI+? Confession time--not sure from the written documentation. I
> need to hook this all up to begin keying the rig from a keyboard. Thanks
> in advance for any help available.
It depends on your software, and it also depends on which data port (RS-232
or C-IV) you want to use. I recommend using the RS-232 port. Regardless of
which port you use, even though there are commands to turn transmit on and
off, this is not the best way to key your rig from a computer.
Nearly all programs that allow you to send CW via keyboard do so by toggling
a 'handshaking' line on the RS-232 interface rather than sending a discrete
command. A circuit is required that senses this toggling, and keys the rig
accordingly. These circuits are pretty simple and can be found in the
recent editions of the ARRL Handbook, as well as on the ARRL's website
(search for "digital mode" and see what pops up).
An easier way (and a more versatile way if you plan to run HF digital modes,
RTTY, etc., from your PC via software) is to obtain or build a
computer-to-rig interface. For those who can run a soldering iron, I like
the BuxComm kits... pretty simple, pretty inexpensive, yet they isolate both
send and receive audio as well as opto-isolate the keying circuit so you
won't fry your computer if your rig uses high voltage on the keying circuit.
If you want to buy an interface that's good to go out of the box, then check
out the offerings by BuxComm, RigBlaster, MFJ, and others -- look at eHam's
product reviews to get a good idea of who makes 'em and what customers
I use a BuxComm kit on my Omni VI/Opt 1 and it works FB. I plug the RS-232
cable from my PC into the BuxComm and use its keying interface for CW, and
unplug/replug the PC cable into an RS-232 cable from the Omni for HF digital
modes. This would be better done with a switchbox, or even better a special
cable that brings out the DTR/RTS handshaking lines from the PC to the
BuxComm while passing everything else to the Omni.
Hope this helps,
- jgc
John Clifford KD7KGX
Heathkit HW-9 WARC/HFT-9/HM-9
Elecraft K2 #1678 /KSB2/KIO2/KBT2/KAT2/KNB2/KAF2/KPA100
Ten-Tec Omni VI/Opt1
email: kd7kgx@arrl.net