[TenTec] extra dits from Omni 6+?
Sat, 04 Jan 2003 22:45:42 -0500
Hi All,
Mike AC5P and I have had a regular weekly sked now for over eleven years,
during which time Mike has used a bug almost exclusively. Mike does NOT suffer
from contact bounce, as he has used a large variety of bugs on a numerous rigs
including some with no key filtering at all. He is quite good on the bug, and
knows well how to adjust it. The extra dit he is experiencing is like nothing
else I have ever heard. It appears usually following a single or double dit,
never after four or five, and is the same length as the intentional dits. The
Omni is adding it somehow.
Howie WB2AWQ
AB9M@aol.com wrote
> I vote for "contact bounce" as the culprit. Additional resistance in series
> may help.
> Gary - AB9M (currently have OMNI VI+ and Corsair II w/VFO - previously
> Paragon II and OMNI - D)
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