[TenTec] Orion----Why it is so late in coming!

Wa4aos@aol.com Wa4aos@aol.com
Tue, 7 Jan 2003 06:56:10 EST


I had heard rumors about a secret Ten Tec Car but just dismissed them as a 
prank. However, Ten Tec does have government ties and this appears to be some 
new   High-tech car being developed for the Home Land Security Project. I 
also heard that the Orion Processors drive the cars electronics and that the 
car is HF communications ready. It is rumored to do zero to 60 WPM with no 
knocks, clicks or bumps. Cool ! ! Sorry, No 11 meter emissions possible with 
this baby, pure HAMDOM only with 60 Meter Band ready to fire up with a secret 
code given out once the band opens !!!   

Wonder if it's a Battery/Internal Combustion Hybrid or maybe a Hydrogen 
burning unit?  
All I got to say is that I hope it will come in Corsair Gray. I don't really 
care for the new black look but that's just my opinion...

I bet Scott R. will be driving his to the Charlotte Hamfest in March ! ! ! 

This would have been better in early April.......

> http://www.cox-internet.com/w5jay/tentec/n4py2.jpg  


Glenn A. Scott   WA4AOS
341 Colonial Acres Road
Laurens, SC  29360

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