[TenTec] FS: TEN TEC Omni-C with pics

RLucch2098@aol.com RLucch2098@aol.com
Tue, 7 Jan 2003 12:02:08 EST

Hi All;
FS: an TenTec Omni model 546 series C w/warc bands. There NO extra filters, I 
looked inside but the Audio filtering seems good enough.
It comes with the DC cable and over voltage protector.
Here is wat I tested & wat it needs.
I tested it only by connecting it to a generic 12vdc supply via the cable 
shown, displayed full out put, rcvd on all bands, QSK, vox & Ptt working. 
Audio output on SSB, metering seems to be fine but on a dummy-load, only 
output shows, no VSWR because its flat(swr) :-).
It will require the Audio filter switch paddle(lever). The actual switch is 
fine & works but the last owner was "heavy handed". Will also need one front 
foot & the tilt bail which I quess is available from TT or you can remove the 
one original foot & use two equal height feet in front & leave well enough 
Also, the Same deal with the power connector in back, the fellow must have 
pushed too hard, breaking the locking tabs off. The actual connector is fine, 
I used it but it will push in just as the power supply had that I sent you. 
The Over-voltage protector is the same deal.
Actual physical condition I would say is excellent & will clean up real nice. 
I did clean it a bit for the pics.
I would like to get $240 + UPS.
Please check the pics>>
<A HREF="http://www.myradioroom.com/ttprotector1.jpg">http://www.myradioroom.com/ttprotector1.jpg</A> 
<A HREF="http://www.myradioroom.com/ttprotector2.jpg">http://www.myradioroom.com/ttprotector2.jpg</A> 
The Bulb in the meter was replaced after the pics were taken.
<A HREF="http://www.myradioroom.com/omni1.jpg">http://www.myradioroom.com/omni1.jpg</A> 
<A HREF="http://www.myradioroom.com/omni1.jpg">http://www.myradioroom.com/omni2.jpg</A> 
<A HREF="http://www.myradioroom.com/omni1.jpg">http://www.myradioroom.com/omni3.jpg</A> 
<A HREF="http://www.myradioroom.com/omni1.jpg">http://www.myradioroom.com/omni4.jpg</A> 
<A HREF="http://www.myradioroom.com/omni1.jpg">http://www.myradioroom.com/omni5.jpg</A> 
<A HREF="http://www.myradioroom.com/omni1.jpg">http://www.myradioroom.com/omni6.jpg</A> 

Thanks es 73....Rich WA2RQY (1961)
WA2RQY's "confusion Radio" Web-Page
"Keep those heaters on"

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