[TenTec] FS Omni VI+
Vince Santis
vsantis@earthlink.net" <vsantis@earthlink.net
Fri Jan 10 01:18:54 EST 2003
I have an authentic Omni VI+ for sale. It is in pristine condition and was
at the factory jus recently for overall review. I bought it in November of
1999. It is equpped with a stock 1.8 ssb filter and 500 and 250 cw
filters in both IF's. The radio is set up for cw and works fine.
There is no Power supply. price is $1800.00 by bank check or postal money
orders and I'll shjip in the CONUS.
E-mail or call at 1-860-379-7221 before 9 PM EST.
Vince Santis,N1VS
Winsted, CT
NEQRP # 598
PRP-L # 2372
FISTS# 8053
CC # 1161
K1 #841
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