[TenTec] Microphones for Omni VI
Sun Jan 12 22:31:07 EST 2003
Hi Bob,
I agree with Stan. I bought a Heil Gold Line for my
Omni VI Plus, but the audio in the wide position was
unacceptable. The audio in the narrow position was
reported to be slightly better than the 705. The Heil
is a top quality mike, but it doesn't tango with the
Omni. Good audio reports consistently when using the
705. Go with the 705.
Larry, W3UIO
> I was originally going
> to order one of the new Heils from Tentec, but Stan
> Brock at Tentec
> suggested the 705 instead. At that point, I started
> looking into microphone
> specs and found that I either didn't understand the
> specs or the specs
> didn't include the numbers I needed to figure out
> which microphones would
> work well with an Omni.
> As a result, I'd appreciate input from other hams
> regarding microphones for
> the Omni or technical advice to help me sort things
> out on my own.
> Thanks and 73,
> Bob WA5IHZ
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