[TenTec] Truth in Lending!!

Alderman, Chester CAlderma@ora.fda.gov
Mon Jan 13 11:54:26 EST 2003

W5YR said:

"So, how meaningful are the ARRL test results if they come from a
cherry-picked, specially prepared, non-production unit? I agree that it is
in TT's interest to have ARRL test the best performing "sample" they have,
but on the other hand, if that sample does not represent what Joe Ham will
receive for his $4431.95, les hand mic, then the whole test is a charade."

I disagree that it is in TT's interest to have the ARRL lab test TT
equipment. Do you think it's logical for a manufacturing company to pay it's
entire staff for several years work, just to have it blessed or not blessed
by a lab whose prime organization has absolutely nothing to do with
engineering and/or manufacturing? Nope, it's us 'Joe Hams' who will decide
the capability and the performance of the Orion. How do you know the ARRL's
results are not slanted towards manufacturers who advertise the most in
their monthly publication. Surely you don't think the ARRL is totally honest
and without fault? The ARRL is a business also (yes!) and they generate
revenue from advertisement. 

It irritates me that you keep repeating that the Orion cost is $4431.95. I
just wonder what the purpose is for making this kind of post?? As a 'Joe
Ham', I am perfectly capable of looking up the cost of the Orion and all of
the Orion's options. For the first time buyer of Ten Tec gear, yes, the
maxed out cost for every option is $4657.95 and that assuming you MUST buy
every option available. But most of us 'Joe Ham's' already have all of the
filters (note that's why TT chose 9MHz for the first IF freq. They KNEW Joe
Ham already had most of those filters!), they have a speaker, they have
microphones (ugh!), they have power supplies, and they probably have an
antenna tuner. Even $3300.00 is pretty steep, so why INFLATE it? The cost of
the Orion is listed at $3300.00..THAT'S IT!! Not $4431.95.


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