[TenTec] F.S. A Challenge (D104)

Richard Robinson nw4p@xtn.net
Tue Jan 14 02:54:19 EST 2003

Gentlemen, I have an older D104 microphone that I
just put a new amplifier board in, a new gain pot,
and a new cord. I wired it according to diagram of
new Silver Eagle, wired to radio.  Carrier but no
modulation. The microphone is chrome, looks
good, but evidently I have wired it incorrectly. It's
yours for $40 and that shipping in CONUS. For
me, I'm pulling my hair out, but if ya decide to buy
this thing, please let me know what I did wrong.
Oh yeah, I'll send the newest Astatic wiring diagram.
Thanks and 73,  Richard

BTW, the board, pot, and mike cord were $21.=20

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