[TenTec] Century/22 AGC mod: urban legend?

Paul Schaffenberger paulk5af@sbcglobal.net
Thu Jan 16 19:40:56 EST 2003

Changing the AGC time constant is a simple fix involving either a resistor or capitor.  Call Ten-Tec and talk to Paul or send an email.  I modified the "hang" agc in my Omni A to be very good for CW by just changing the AGC time constant.
Paul, K5AF
 "Gene A. Williamson" <genewill@ordata.com> wrote:I've chased the C/22 AGC mod to reduce "popping" all over the Internet,
but haven't nailed it down. Neither, apparently, has anyone else.

Does such a mod exist? I can make do with riding the RF gain, but that's a
bit too much fiddling. The ARRL reviewer was ga-ga over the C/22's AGC, so
maybe I'm missing something???

73 Gene N7YW

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