[TenTec] black components

Bill ROWLETT kc4atu@yahoo.com
Tue Jan 21 22:15:10 EST 2003

Well, the new all black scheme is making it hard on a
couple of my friends. They have said for a long time
that Ten Tec radios did not look like real radios
because of the gray color and they would not buy one.
Excuses now a thing of the past. 

The black Argonaut V looks good next to my black Argo
556 and the light colored Triton 540 (not looking at
it so the exact color escapes me). For a choice of
color, a nice day-glow would allow us to keep the
shack lights off and still find the rig.

Have a good one and see you on the bands.

73,  Bill  kc4atu

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