[TenTec] logging while mobile

Duane A Calvin ac5aa at juno.com
Tue Jan 28 12:57:10 EST 2003

I have a safer idea for logging while mobile.  Purchase an inexpensive
mini-tape recorder.  I have been using one now for a couple of years and
it's much easier than trying to write while driving (don't do it!).  I
set the index number to 000 at the start of each logging period and then
I rewind to there to enter in the paper mobile log, usually daily when
I'm travelling.  

On a related topic, in my current mobile installation, I elected to use
an 8' whip with an ICOM AH-4 auto tuner.  Wow, it works really slick with
the IC-706.  One button push and within a second you're tuned and ready
to go.  And the total cost of the installation (antenna and tuner) was
under $300 - less than half of what it would be for a High Sierra and an
auto tuner.  Granted, the whip probably doesn't perform quite as well as
the HS, but by doing a good job of grounding, I can probably beat a lot
of mobile installations running more expensive antennas.  Looks like my
Outbacker will be up for sale soon!

Hope this helps.

        73, Duane

On Mon, 27 Jan 2003 18:34:51 -0600 "Paul DeWitte K9OT" <k9ot at mhtc.net>
> >From Peg KB9LIE:
> I want to get back to operating mobile with the Scout, Argosy II, FT 
> 900
> ricebox, etc. There was an article in Worldradio several years ago 
> about a
> UPS driver in Texas who had a good idea for logging. He used a 
> lighted
> pilot's clipboard. Does anyone use one for hamming and have a 
> source? I
> loaned the magazine to someone and never got it back.
> OM Paul K9OT gave me a Tarheel screwdriver antenna for Christmas. 
> Now we
> have to figure out how to attach it to the 1 1/4" receiver hitch on 
> my
> Voyager minivan, and still use the tailgate. We used Valor Pro-Am 
> and
> Ten-Tec monoband sticks before with a 3-mag mount, but they were 
> pretty tall
> on the van and pickup roofs.
> And no, my Ten-Tec 12 meter 4012 mobile antenna is still NOT for 
> sale.
> Peg KB9LIE
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Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas

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