[TenTec] Corsair II and Pro II keying

tlogan7 at cox.net tlogan7 at cox.net
Thu Jan 30 10:35:14 EST 2003

Hi folks - 
Well, after much indecision and wavering back and forth (driving a few sellers nuts in the process), I have a Corsair II and a 263G on its way to me. It will be sitting next to my Pro II by next week. After this week's interesting discussions about keying delays etc, I plan to do a subjective tes. I have a FISTS code buddy for an elmer and we have a Weds schedule. Our ragchews last from a 1 to 2 hours depending on the band. Last week I was able to up my speed to 25 wpm and maintain it (I've been a Ham for 2.5 years, but slow learner hi hi). I will use each radio alternately without letting him know which one - and then have him describe how it sounds at his end and which is more preferable. I will also adjust my Logikey as George has suggested. This may still be too slow of a speed to help with A/B testing - but will see what happens. For me, what matters is what I experience on the air - because the "stats" mean less to me. For example, even though the "stats" on my K2 are theorectically better, I sold it because the Pro II is a much better tool in my own particular operating environment. Anyway,the Corsair II has often been described as one of the best cw machines TT ever made - and there is no DSP - just the PTO etc - so it should be a really neat experiment in a lot of ways. If anyone is interested I will post the results - subjective of course! 
  I wonder if I should use the Logikey with both rigs or stay with the Corsair's internal keyer while making the comparison?

73/Tim NZ7C

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