[TenTec] Corsairs, Pro II,.interesting replies!

w8au at sssnet.com w8au at sssnet.com
Fri Jan 31 10:24:25 EST 2003

At 05:13 AM 01/31/2003 -0700, tlogan7 at cox.net wrote:
>Got all kinds of interesting responses both direct and on the TT
>reflector......among them was Ron's interesting comment:
>  "I worked at a local store, now closed, and TenTec had a dealer network"
>When did Ten Tec have a dealer net work and who handled their product? I had
>never heard that....very interesting bit of "history".

The dealer network existed up until maybe 10-15 years ago...

TT found that Dealers would take advantage of the "rebates" and kickbacks
offered by JA manufacturers and "push" JA stuff over the TT gear.  It
was not possible for TT to compete with this type of marketing.  TT gets
no government subsidies as JA's did, (and still do?)

This meant that even if a prospective buyer came in wanting to purchase
a TT item, an aggressive salesperson could alter the outcome.

Unfortunately this also affected the small "basement" sales operations
that many hams had set up with TT.   They were not part of the problem
but they too lost their "dealership."

As a result, the major Dealers in the US are dealing JA exclusively with
the exception of accessories and amplifiers.  So the urge to visit AES
or any of the big stores is just not there any more, for me, at least.

It appears that TT's factory sales policy has worked, and I'm grateful for 
Having a solid reputation will keep that going...

Perry     w8au

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