[TenTec] re:Disparaging Corsairs, Pro II, etc hi hi

John Farler jfarler at peoplepc.com
Fri Jan 31 21:15:22 EST 2003

Funny thing about the Drake TR-7...I was looking one over
the year they came out at the Dayton Hamvention, and asked
the rep from Drake why no QSK?  His reply was that it was 
too expensive to implement.

About the next year or two they came out with the TR-5,
which sold for much less, with... you guessed it, QSK.

John, k4AVX

> Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2003 08:44:15 +0100
> From: "Dick W. Harms \(PA2DWH\)" <eqtc at xs4all.nl>
> To: "Ten Tec" <tentec at contesting.com>
> Subject: FW: [TenTec] Disparaging Corsairs, Pro II, etc hi hi
> Message-ID: <GGEHJAJFPMIDJCMLEEIOEEKPCHAA.eqtc at xs4all.nl>
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> Reply-To: eqtc at xs4all.nl
> Message: 5
> Hi Tim,
> I use a Ten Tec Paragon (and 238 tuner). I like operating high speed CW (40
> WPM) and have used:
> - Kenwood TS850
> - Yaesu FT990
> - Drake TR7 (which I still own)
> - TT Paragon I
> The Paragon is far superior and has true QSK (usefull in contest and
> DX-pileup work!) and also has superior reciever on 40 meters, now that I
> put
> real pindiodes in the RF-high pass pwb.
> The Drake is one of the best recievers on 40 meters too, but it's QSK is
> almost non-existing.
> Never had a chance to operate a Corsair and compare to the list above...
> Best 73, Dick/PA2DWH

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