[TenTec] WTB: TT 236 control cable for Herc II > Omni V

Peg Haese kb9lie at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 2 12:50:16 EDT 2003

I am looking for a 236 control cable to connect my Hercules II amplifier and "new" Omni V. Just finalized the rig purchase from N9CK after test-driving it since mid-April. Thanks, Steve, for the opportunity to try out your third-string rig.
Thanks also to George W9WUU for helping Steve upgrade his shack, thus making the Omni V available.
The Herc II works great with my Jupiter but the Omni V will provide automatic bandswitching. The Jupiter is NOT for sale. 
73 de Peg KB9LIE in SW Wisconsin

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