[TenTec] Antenna Analyzers

Dave Kamp, KW0D kw0d at netexpress.net
Thu Jul 3 21:35:43 EDT 2003

Hi Vince!

I have the predecessor to the MFJ-269... I've got the 259B.  It's a fine
tool, but like any tool, one must understand how it does what it does, in
order to make it most accurate and useful.  There's quite a few other
options (the Autek being one, and professional TDRs, etc., being others),
but I've found that the MFJ analyzers are fine for what I do.

I use mine as much for 'other' functions as I do analyzing antennas... I
determine balun ratios (shorting the output with resistors), sweep tank
circuits, pre-tune my tuner... count frequencies, use it as a sig-gen...
it's not the most accurate or stable sig-gen, but when you listen to it's
output with the OMNI VI, it's not too hard to zero-in.  Good tool, but only
as good as the operator's understanding.

Yes- they eat batteries... I've never used 'em-  I just use the AC adapter
and an extension cord.  I don't climb towers with mine... IMHO, that's what
feedline is for...  :-)

DK  :-)
73's from KW0D Dave in LeClaire, Iowa

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