[TenTec] Why should I buy...

Bill Martin allpro2 at bellsouth.net
Fri Jul 4 22:31:51 EDT 2003

In defense of Stan and the factory and the "famous" Ten Tec service, let me relate to you an experience I had....

During the telephone sale, back in March of this year, I ordered a demo Pegasus.  Along with that I ordered a matching hand mike.....some how there was a packing snafu and the mike was not included in the shipment, but I was invoiced for it.  My big problem, due to time and work constraints, was that I did not discover this until the end of May....because that was when I opened the box and discovered the shortage!  Sorta' my fault now because I did not inspect the contents until 2 months later.

So I fire off an e-mail to Stan and he replies, no problem and ships out a replacement mike....I wait 10 days and no box from TT arrives??  Puzzled, I fire off another e-mail to Stan and again, no problem and ships out a replacement for the "lost mike".....it arrived within the week.....further investigation reveled the first replacement mike was sent via UPS but did not have my full address on the label....UPS sent via the US postal service a follow up card and Uncle Sam's snail-mail knew how to find  me.....so this solved the problem of the first lost replacement mike, and it had been shipped back to the factory.

Other than the telephone contact in March during the sale, all of the above was handled via the internet.  My hat is off to Stan and the factory for bailing me out of this predicament and meeting me where the "rubber hits the road"....
I wonder how many other companies/vendors would have gone this extra mile in this same scenario??
Made a believer and a loyal customer out of ME!!

Bill Martin AB4JC
Deltona, FL

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